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Proslava Dana Europe

Europski izbori, 6. – 9. lipnja 2024.

Više o EU-u

Zajednička načela i vrijednosti koje su temelj života u EU-u: sloboda, demokracija, jednakost i vladavina prava, promicanje mira i stabilnosti

Kako se financira i troši proračun EU-a, upravljanje fondovima EU-a, područja izdataka, provjera činjenica o proračunu EU-a

Saznajte što EU čini za građane, kako štiti prava, promiče blagostanje i nastoji svijet učiniti sigurnijim.

Nastavni materijali, igre i mnogo više o Europskoj uniji i njezinim aktivnostima za djecu, mlade, učitelje i roditelje.


Sve novosti dostupne su na 24 službena jezika putem strojnog prijevoda.

Solidarity with Ukraine - School buses and other humanitarian aid at the EU logistics hub in Romania
  • Press release

The EU has approved stricter CO2 emission standards for heavy-duty vehicles such as small trucks, buses and trailers. Stronger rules will further reduce CO2 emissions, introduce new emission reduction targets and help increase the share of zero-emission heavy-duty vehicles across the EU.

Young people and European flag
  • Press release

Some 64% of young people say they intend to vote in the European elections in early June, according to a new survey. They were mainly active on topics of human rights, climate change and environment, health and wellbeing and equal rights.

Demography in the EU, ages 12-18 - Poland
  • Press release

This week marks European Mental Health Week, an opportunity for everyone to work on better mental health for all. A particularly crucial endeavour when latest statistics show that suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people, after road accidents.