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Östersjöområdet i EU, ungdomars perspektiv

Datum: 09/05/07
Plats: Karlskrona
Land: Sverige
Organisatör: Europa Direkt Blekinge
Läs mer: http://www.regionblekinge.se/?regionblekinge=386722e, europadirekt@regionblekinge.se
Östersjöområdet i EU, ungdomars perspektiv

I samband med firandet av 9 maj uppmärksammas EU:s 50-års jubileum med torgmöte samt invigning av utställning som ungdomar gjort. Ungdomarna har i april 2007 deltagit i Euroregion Baltic Youth Conference i Polen som arrangerats bland annat av Europa Direkt kontor i Sverige, Polen och Litauen. I utställningen belyses hur man ser på framtiden i Östersjöområdet som del av EU i ett 20-årsperspektiv.

9 maj 2007 startdatum

Utställning gjord av ungdomar kommer att turnera I länet under resten av 2007, invigas 9 maj

In April 2007, these same individuals will participate in the Euro Region Baltic Youth Conference in Poland, organised by Europe Direct Relays in Sweden, Poland and Lithuania.

May 9th will mark the starting date of the exhibition.

The activity will be divided into two parts or, rather, take place in two different locations simultaneously.

Europe Direct has reserved some space on Northern Europe's biggest square, Stortorget, which is in Karlskrona. Here you can find information on the EU, take part in a quiz with prizes offered by Europe Direct and also meet those who work in the relay. The European flag will be hung from all flagpoles on the day to commemorate the event.

Simultaneously, they will host an open day where the exhibition created by the young people of the ERB’s Youth Conference will take place. We are hoping for a Member of the Swedish Parliament or a Member of the European Parliament to make the inaugural speech.

Refreshments will be served and much information relating to the EU will be on display. The exhibition will then be sent on to other libraries around the county.

The young people’s exhibition will be on tour throughout the county for the rest of 2007.

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