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Svinam Eiropu! - Romas Līguma 50. gadadienaIzlaist valodas izvēles joslu (īsinājumtaustiņš=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50. gadadiena > Ziņas un mediji > Arhīvs

Vairāk ziņu

Se/22/d, - Programmas Grundtvig desmitā gadadiena ― ES atbalsta “otro iespēju”, ko piedāvā pieaugušo izglītības programmas
Briselē, 2010. gada 22. septembrī Eiropas izglītības, kultūras, daudzvalodības un jaunatnes lietu komisāre Andrula Vasiliu 22. un 23. septembrī piedalīsies pasākumos Kopenhāgenā, lai atzīmētu Eiropas Savienības pieaugušo izglītības programmas Grundtvig desmito gadadienu. Finansiāli atbalstot apmācību kursus un mācību mobilitāti, programma Grundtvig palīdz pieaugušajiem uzlabot prasmes un nodarbinātības iespējas.

Oc/20/d, - Eiropas Komisijas stažieru programmai aprit 50. gadi
Briselē, 2010. gada 20. oktobrī Kas ir kopējs Marokas karalim Muhamedam VI, Mario Monti, Silvanai Kohai-Mērinai un Baraka Obamas padomniekam ekonomikas jautājumos Maiklam Fromanam? Visi viņi ir bijuši stažieri Eiropas Komisijā. Kopš Komisijas stažieru programmas sākuma 1960. gadā tajā ir piedalījušies vairāk nekā 40 000 jauno universitātes absolventu.

No/09/d, - José Manuel Durão Barroso President of the European Commission Keynote speech by President Barroso at the ENPA's (European Newspaper Publishers' Association) 50th Anniversary Congress ENPA Congress Brussels, 8 November 2011
President Rusdal, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear friends, It is my absolute pleasure to join you today for this Congress to mark the 50th anniversary of the European Newspaper Publishers Association. Your association is the steward of a great tradition, a legacy that is globally respected in its intellectual richness and...

Ma/29/e, - Stefan Füle European Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy 20th Anniversary Conference of the Tempus Programme 20th Anniversary Conference of the Tempus Programme Belgrade, 29 March 2011
It is a great pleasure to be present with you here in Belgrade and to welcome participants at the 20th Anniversary conference of the Tempus programme. I feel honoured to open this event, which gathers participants from more than fifty countries on three different continents from Rabat to Vladivostok.

Ju/13/n, - 26th anniversary of Schengen: statement of the European Commissioner for Home Affairs, Cecilia Malmström
Brussels, 13 June 2011 On June 14, 26 years ago the dismantling of border controls started across the EU. The Schengen Agreement has made passport-free travel possible for over 400 million Europeans. From the initial five, the Schengen area now includes 25 countries.

Oc/29/i, - Digitalizācijas programma. GÉANT — ES finansēts ātrdarbīgs pētniecības tīkls — svin 10 sekmīgu darba gadu jubileju
Briselē, 2010. gada 29. oktobrī Eiropas Komisija atzīmē GÉANT — ES finansēta ātrdarbīga pētniecības tīkla — 10 gadu jubileju. Pateicoties GÉANT, zinātniekiem visā Eiropā un pat pasaulē ir iespējams reāllaikā kopīgi nodarboties ar principāli jauniem pētījumiem.

Se/09/i, - Statement by President Barroso and President Van Rompuy: "The 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks in the United States"
Brussels, 9 September 2011 A decade has passed since the shock of the heinous attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington DC when more than 3000 persons, from all corners of the world, lost their lives. Today, Europe honours the victims and expresses its solidarity with those...

Ma/06/i, - José Manuel Durão Barroso President of the European Commission The 61st anniversary of the Schuman Declaration Brussels, 6 May 2011
Statement on the occasion of the 61st anniversary of the Schuman Declaration Sixty-one years ago, on 9 May 1950, the then French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman appealed to European nations to pool their coal and steel production at supranational level, therewith laying the foundations of what we know as the...

Oc/01/i, - José Manuel Durão Barroso President of the European Commission Video message on the occasion of the twentieth anniversary of German unification on 3 October 2010 Video message Brussels, 1st October
Today I would like to congratulate all Germans on the twentieth anniversary of German unification on 3 October 2010. The momentum created by events in German and European history in 1989 and 1990 made things possible which, shortly before, had been completely unthinkable; namely the end of the forty year...

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