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Europa în sărbătoare - Cea de-a 50-a aniversare a Tratatului de la RomaSkip language selection bar (shortcut key=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > A 50-a aniversare > În ţările UE > Luxemburg


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Informaţii suplimentare: http://ec.europa.eu/luxembourg/
Manifestare culturalăManifestare culturală 23/03/07 > 24/03/07Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Official opening of the European Information Centre in Luxembourg

Official opening of the European Information Centre in Luxembourg

On 24 March, the Information Centre will be opened to the public from 9 am to 4 pm for an "open door event" featuring animations, an exhibition and music. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) français (fr)

Înregistrări video şi fotografii
MuzicăMuzică 25/03/07Kirchberg - Luxembourg
Anniversary Concert

Anniversary Concert

Within the framework of the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, a commemorative concert will take place at the Luxembourg Philharmonie. A thousand free tickets will be issued to people born on 25 March in either 1957 or any subsequent year. The birthday celebrants may each invite along a guest of their choice. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) français (fr)

Înregistrări video şi fotografii
ConferinţăConferinţă 26/03/07Luxemburg - Luxemburg
Cea de-a cincizecea aniversare a Tratatelor de la Roma

Cea de-a cincizecea aniversare a Tratatelor de la Roma

Simpozion pe tema influenţei exercitate de dreptul naţional și jurisprudenţa instanţelor din statele membre asupra interpretării dreptului comunitar ››  Informaţii suplimentare

ConferinţăConferinţă 23/04/07 > 24/04/07Luxembourg
“50 years of the Treaties of Rome - what objectives does the EU have?”

“50 years of the Treaties of Rome - what objectives does the EU have?”

Political leaders and experts will discuss current European issues. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) français (fr)

Manifestare culturalăManifestare culturală 05/05/07Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Fête de l'Europe

Fête de l'Europe

The European institutions together with the Government of Luxembourg and the embassies of the other 26 member states are staging the traditional "Fête de l'Europe" in Luxembourg. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) français (fr)

Manifestare culturalăManifestare culturală 05/05/07Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Inauguration: The European walk

Inauguration: The European walk

A new circular walk will be unveiled. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) français (fr)

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