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Europa în sărbătoare - Cea de-a 50-a aniversare a Tratatului de la RomaSkip language selection bar (shortcut key=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > A 50-a aniversare > Tipuri de manifestări > Dans


În EuropaÎn ţările UEÎn lumeCalendarTipuri de manifestări
DansDans 25/03/07Craiova, Şcoala specială “Regina Maria” - România
Un oraş European pentru toţi

Un oraş European pentru toţi

Oraşul Craiova va găzdui, pe 25 martie, evenimentul cultural “Un oraş european pentru toţi”. Evenimentul va fi dedicat copiilor cu dizabilităţi. ››  Informaţii suplimentare

DansDans 04/04/07Valletta - Malta
Launch of the European Dance Company

Launch of the European Dance Company

The official launch of the European Dance Company on 4 April at St James Cavalier in Malta was timed to coincide with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome. Speeches made by the participants will be followed by a Q&A session involving guests and the media. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) Malti (mt)

DansDans 09/05/07Bratislava - Slovakia


Dance to the rhythm of traditional, popular and ethnic music and much more besides. In a beautiful Bratislava square, assorted artists will be performing for free in a variety of musical styles. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) slovenčina (sk)

DansDans 18/05/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
European quadrille dance parade

European quadrille dance parade

A traditional quadrille dance parade will be danced simultaneously in the streets of Slovene cities and in neighbouring countries by more than 20.000 Slovene high school bachelors. ››  Informaţii suplimentare English (en) slovenščina (sl)

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