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Festeggiamo l’Europa! - 50° anniversario del Trattato di RomaSaltare la barra di selezione della lingua (tasto scorciatoia=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50° anniversario > Nei singoli paesi dell’UE > Portogallo


Di portata europeaNei singoli paesi dell’UENel mondoCalendarioTipi di eventi
AltroAltro 22/03/07 > 23/03/07Sátão - Portugal
Portuguese school publishes the book “Sabores da União”

Portuguese school publishes the book “Sabores da União”

Within the context of the opening of the school's library (Escola Secundária Frei Rosa Viterbo, from Sátão), there will be a presentation of the book “Sabores da União”. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

ConferenzaConferenza 24/03/07Lisbon - Portugal
European Convention of CDS-PP

European Convention of CDS-PP

A conference-debate to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Rome and to promote debate on Portugal and on European integration. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

AltroAltro 25/03/07Lisbon - Portugal


Fireworks near Belém Tower by the River Tagus ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

MusicaMusica 25/03/07Several cities and villages of Portugal
Music bands festival

Music bands festival

More than 220 popular local groups of music ("bandas") will play, at the same time, the same day (25th of March at 4 pm) the Europe Anthem in different parts of Portugal, followed by a public concert, with a program of their choice. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

Video e foto
MusicaMusica 25/03/07Lisbon - Portugal
Open-air concert

Open-air concert

Concert with Fado singer Katia Guerreiro and  the Lisbon Metropolitan Orchestra ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

AltroAltro 26/03/07 > 31/05/07Lisbon - Portugal
National Competition on European affairs

National Competition on European affairs

Essay on the European integration process. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

AltroAltro 26/03/07Lisbon - Portugal
Commemorative 2 euro coin issue ceremony

Commemorative 2 euro coin issue ceremony

Imprensa Nacional da Casa da Moeda will host the issuing ceremony. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

ConferenzaConferenza 09/05/07Lisboa, Porto - Portugal
Seminars celebrating the Day of Europe -9May

Seminars celebrating the Day of Europe -9May

As every year, the Representation of the European Commission will organise a conference in the two main cities of the country with relevant speakers on European issues. This year the main horizontal subject will be the 50th anniversary of the treaties of Rome. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

Evento culturaleEvento culturale 09/05/07Madeira - Portugal
Commemorative Concert

Commemorative Concert

On Europe Day 2007 and to mark the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, a wind orchestra concert will be held, along with dance choreographies and some theatre sketches. ››  seguito English (en) português (pt)

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