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Festeggiamo l’Europa! - 50° anniversario del Trattato di RomaSaltare la barra di selezione della lingua (tasto scorciatoia=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50° anniversario > Tipi di eventi > Teatro


Di portata europeaNei singoli paesi dell’UENel mondoCalendarioTipi di eventi
TeatroTeatro 21/03/07 > 25/03/07Sofia - Bulgaria
Bulgarian Art in Europe

Bulgarian Art in Europe

Two theatre performances by German theatre companies staged under the direction of the Bulgarian artist Dimiter Gotchev. ››  seguito български (bg) English (en)

TeatroTeatro 25/03/07Central Park, Cluj - Napoca - Romania
Together in Europe

Together in Europe

Students from six different high school classes from Cluj Napoca will compete in a contest organised in the city’s Central Park. Theatre performances and animations related to EU values will make up the competition. ››  seguito English (en) română (ro)

TeatroTeatro 09/05/07Tanzania
Tanzania - Swanglish theatre - "Going to Europe"

Tanzania - Swanglish theatre - "Going to Europe"

Whether fantasy or reality, Europe remains a number-one destination in the dreams of young people in Africa. ››  seguito Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

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