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Festeggiamo l’Europa! - 50° anniversario del Trattato di RomaSaltare la barra di selezione della lingua (tasto scorciatoia=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50° anniversario > Festeggiamenti nel mondo > Estremo Oriente - Australasia

Estremo Oriente - Australasia

Di portata europeaNei singoli paesi dell’UENel mondoCalendarioTipi di eventi
GiovaniGiovani 15/01/07New Zealand
New Zealand – “EU – What does it mean – 4U?”

New Zealand – “EU – What does it mean – 4U?”

Aspiring young journalists can be Ambassador for a day or win a trip to Europe if they win the competition celebrating 50 years of the EU ››  seguito Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

AltroAltro 25/03/07Japan
Tokyo bash celebrates EU's 50th

Tokyo bash celebrates EU's 50th

On March 25, over 1 000 guests - including the ambassadors from all 27 EU countries - attended a gala celebration at a prestigious venue in central Tokyo to mark "50 years – together with Japan". ››  seguito Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

ConferenzaConferenza 26/03/07South Korea
South Korea - Celebrations in South Korea to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaties of Rome

South Korea - Celebrations in South Korea to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Signing of the Treaties of Rome

South Korea’s interest in promoting the building of a Northeast Asian regional community has led to a great deal of interest in the European Union. ››  seguito Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

MostraMostra 09/05/07China
'The EU at 50'

'The EU at 50'

The exhibition will be based on two concentric circles of exhibition panels which will be adaptable to various locations and easily transportable to cities all over China. At the centre will be a projection area, with seating for people to watch a 20min film covering most of the central themes of the exhibition. ››  seguito Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

GiovaniGiovani 09/05/07Japan
Japan - The EU comes to your school

Japan - The EU comes to your school

European diplomats will be visiting Tokyo’s schools to share the story of their country in Europe with children of all ages ››  seguito Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

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