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¡Celebremos Europa! - 50º aniversario del Tratado de RomaSaltar la barra de selección de idioma (atajo de teclado=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50º aniversario > En cada país de la UE > Eslovenia


En toda EuropaEn cada país de la UEEn el mundoCalendarioTipos de actos
DeporteDeporte 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Slovenia
Europe in the air

Europe in the air

A parachute squad will be performing sky-diving figures on all major public events around Slovenia, using parachutes with EU symbols. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

Vídeos y fotos
JuventudJuventud 16/02/07 > 22/02/07Velenje, Ljubljana, Koper, Maribor - Slovenia
"Your Europe - your future": youth consultations on their future in the EU

"Your Europe - your future": youth consultations on their future in the EU

A series of four debates will take place in Slovenia from February 16 – 22. Young people will discuss, together with Members of the European Parliament, local authorities and representatives of the media, their fears and concerns on living in the EU, and their views and ideas for the future. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

FestivalFestival 01/03/07 > 31/12/07Center Evropa, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Faces of Europe

Faces of Europe

How much do you know about the other European Union countries? What would it be like living and working abroad? ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

JuventudJuventud 19/03/07 > 31/12/07Across Slovenia - Slovenia
Let us discuss the European Union

Let us discuss the European Union

Students belonging to secondary school and university debate clubs will participate in a series of discussions taking place throughout Slovenia. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

OtrosOtros 19/03/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
The EU is a story of a successful compromise - how can we safeguard it in the future?

The EU is a story of a successful compromise - how can we safeguard it in the future?

With the help of our guests, we will look back at past achievements and link them to the present and future challenges of living in the Community. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

ConferenciaConferencia 20/03/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
The Europe of today and tomorrow

The Europe of today and tomorrow

Former President of the European Commission, Jacques Santer, will address main present and future challenges faced by the EU and their relevance to the imminent Slovenian Presidency. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

Acto culturalActo cultural 22/03/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
House of the European Union opens its doors

House of the European Union opens its doors

Opening, cultural programme and open doors of a new joint information point and conference room that will be available to the citizens. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

JuventudJuventud 26/03/07 > 16/05/07Slovenia
Spring day in Europe

Spring day in Europe

133 Slovenian primary and secondary school students will create artistic works on different topics related to the 50th anniversary of the EU. The art works will come under different categories and will involve the use of various artistic techniques. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

MúsicaMúsica 27/03/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

Concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome

Concert of classical, contemporary and modern music performed by musicians from Germany, Portugal and Slovenia (Presidency trio) ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

JuventudJuventud 30/03/07 > 31/12/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Launch of series of youth debates on the European Union

Launch of series of youth debates on the European Union

A big ceremony will mark the launch of organised debates through students’ debate clubs. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

ConferenciaConferencia 12/04/07 > 13/04/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
NGO’s in the enlarged EU and opportunities to encourage active European citizenship

NGO’s in the enlarged EU and opportunities to encourage active European citizenship

During the first day, participants will discuss the assessment of including citizens and NGOs in drawing up policies at European level, and will present the role of NGOs in this process. The second day’s main issues include: Slovenian citizens and NGO participation in dialogue with the EU institutions and examples of good practice in Slovenia. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

ConferenciaConferencia 07/05/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Challenges of the EU budget reform

Challenges of the EU budget reform

50 years of the EU provide a good opportunity to reflect on the future of the Union’s budget. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

ExposiciónExposición 07/05/07 > 21/05/07Ljubljana and other towns and cities - Slovenia
Exhibition of winning logos for the 50th anniversary of the European Union

Exhibition of winning logos for the 50th anniversary of the European Union

Official opening of the exhibition, which presents a short history of the Union and its 50 years as seen by young winning designers of the “Happy birthday EU” logo competition. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

MúsicaMúsica 08/05/07Ljubljana, Mestni trg - Slovenia
Concert of Slovene and European ‘favourites’

Concert of Slovene and European ‘favourites’

Come and sing along with Slovene singers who will be performing Slovene and European ‘favourites’ in front of the Town Hall, starting at 8 PM.  Fireworks from up on the Castle hill at 10 PM! ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

CineCine 09/05/07 > 16/05/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Week of the European film

Week of the European film

A week-long festival of selected European films, accompanied by workshops and round tables featured in Ljubljana and some art cinemas around Slovenia. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

OtrosOtros 09/05/07Ljubljana, Maribor, Koper, Novo mesto and Jesenice - Slovenia
Action: Go with Europe!

Action: Go with Europe!

Randomly selected passengers will be asked to express their views on, and expectations of, the EU. The action is an integral part of a cross-border project, ”Our Europe - Our Debate  - Our contribution”. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

ConferenciaConferencia 09/05/07Maribor - Slovenia
The EU yesterday, today and tomorrow

The EU yesterday, today and tomorrow

The debate is part of the mosaic of various events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of European integration, and is being supported by the Government’s Office for Communication. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

ExposiciónExposición 09/05/07Ljubljana and major towns - Slovenia
European village

European village

A lane of stalls representing one European country each, will be put together by several primary schools, and will be joined by a separate stall on the European Union. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

Vídeos y fotos
JuventudJuventud 09/05/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Student open-air fair

Student open-air fair

Student open-air fair and festival with games, sports, regional corners, a European village, an EU parachute team, concerts and more! Opening at 12:00 pm ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

DanzaDanza 18/05/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
European quadrille dance parade

European quadrille dance parade

A traditional quadrille dance parade will be danced simultaneously in the streets of Slovene cities and in neighbouring countries by more than 20.000 Slovene high school bachelors. ››  más English (en) slovenščina (sl)

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