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Comemorar a Europa ! - 50 anos do Tratado de RomaIgnorar a barra de selecção das línguas (tecla de atalho=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50 anos > Comemorações no resto do mundo > América do Norte

América do Norte

Em toda a EuropaNos países da União EuropeiaEm todo o mundoCalendárioTipos de eventos
Eventos culturaisEventos culturais 18/03/07Washington
Washington – European week, celebrating half a century of peace, prosperity and partnership between Europe and America

Washington – European week, celebrating half a century of peace, prosperity and partnership between Europe and America

European week, celebrating half a century of peace, prosperity and partnership between Europe and America ››  leia mais Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

MúsicaMúsica 28/03/07New York
New York - 50th birthday concert in New York

New York - 50th birthday concert in New York

On 28 March 2007, the renowned Norddeutsche Rundfunk Symphony Orchestra will perform Beethoven’s third symphony (“Eroica”) at a unique gala concert in the General Assembly Hall of the United Nations. ››  leia mais Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

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