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Európa ünnepel - A Római Szerződés 50. évfordulójaA nyelvkiválasztó sáv átugrása (billentyűparancs=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > 50. évforduló > Ünnepségek világszerte > Európa és Közép-Ázsia

Európa és Közép-Ázsia

Európa-szerteAz EU tagállamaibanVilágszerteEseménynaptárEsemények
Kulturális eseményKulturális esemény 07/03/25Russia
250 000 Russians learn more about the EU

250 000 Russians learn more about the EU

On the eve of the EU's 50th birthday, 250 000 readers of the Russian daily Izvestia will be offered a tour of the EU in an 8-page colour supplement, carrying articles and interviews on all aspects of the EU, including its history and current social, political and economic situation. ››  bõvebben Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

ZeneZene 07/04/06Kazakstan
The European Union Youth Orchestra comes to Kazakhstan

The European Union Youth Orchestra comes to Kazakhstan

The European Union Youth Orchestra, EUYO, will be coming to Kazakhstan as part of its spring tour to celebrate the EU's 50th birthday. ››  bõvebben Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

ZeneZene 07/05/09Norway
Oslo – 50th birthday concert and street festival

Oslo – 50th birthday concert and street festival

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the EU, the EU's office in Norway (delegation) and the German presidency are jointly organising a concert on Europe Day, 9 May. ››  bõvebben Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

Kulturális eseményKulturális esemény 07/05/09Geneva
Europe Day in Geneva's Bastion Park - 9 May 2007 from 2-9pm

Europe Day in Geneva's Bastion Park - 9 May 2007 from 2-9pm

To mark the EU's 50th birthday, representatives of the 27 EU countries' consular offices in Geneva will join to open the city's Europe Day celebrations. ››  bõvebben Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

FiatalokFiatalok 07/05/19Ukraine
Ukraine - European Village: birthday tent packed full of history and knowledge for all ages

Ukraine - European Village: birthday tent packed full of history and knowledge for all ages

May 19 2007 in Kiev and Yalta will see the erection of a special tent to commemorate the EU's 50th birthday. The tents will house information materials of all kinds: posters, postcards, games, and quizzes, and will host a children's drawing competition on the history of Europe. ››  bõvebben Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr)

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