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Niċċelebraw l-Ewropa! - Il-50 Anniversarju tat-Trattat ta' Rumaqbiż tal-bar għall-għażla tal-lingwa (key għall-iqsar rotta=2) 01/02/2008
EUROPA > Il-50 anniversarju > Kalendarju > Diċembru

Diċembru 2007

Madwar l-EwropaFil-pajjiżi ta' l-UEMadwar id-dinjaKalendarjuTipi ta' avvenimenti
oħrajnoħrajn 12/12/07Strasbourg - Franza
Il-Premju Sakharov għall-ħsieb ħieles

Il-Premju Sakharov għall-ħsieb ħieles

Mill-1988 'l hawn, il-Parlament Ewropew jagħti l-Premju Sakharov lill-persuni jew għaqdiet impenjati fil-ġlieda kontra l-oppressjoni, l-intolleranza u l-inġustizzja b'appoġġ għar-rispett għad-drittijiet tal-bniedem u d-demokrazija madwar id-dinja. ››  iktar

Vidjows u ritratti
KonferenzaKonferenza 30/11/07 > 01/12/07Veria - Greece
Protection, enhancement and sustainable development of the natural and cultural environment in Europe

Protection, enhancement and sustainable development of the natural and cultural environment in Europe

The JEAN MONNET Interscience Conference is an initiative of the corresponding EU project aiming at highlighting the research work of scientists from different scientific spheres who deal with the protection, rehabilitation and sustainable development of the environment. ››  iktar ελληνικά (el) English (en)

FestivalFestival 03/10/07 > 03/02/08Brussell, bliet Belġjani oħra u pajjiżi ġirien - Il-Belġju


Tul erba' xhur, Europalia se jenfasizza d-diversità kulturali tas-27 pajjiż ta' l-UE permezz ta' mużika, teatru, żfin, films u letteratura. Xogħolijiet kbar ta' l-arti se jiġu ppreżentati fi Brussell, fil-Belġju kollu u fil-pajjiżi viċini. ››  iktar

Vidjows u ritratti
Avveniment kulturaliAvveniment kulturali 07/10/07 > 30/12/07Kruishoutem - Belgium
10 + 2 New Europeans

10 + 2 New Europeans

The exhibition “10 + 2 NEW EUROPEANS” displays the works of over 50 cartoonists from the 12 countries that most recently joined the European Union. Their artwork expresses their fears, prejudices and expectations related to their countries’ accessions to the EU. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Vidjows u ritratti
WirjaWirja 26/10/07 > 23/03/08Brussels - Belgium
This is our Story

This is our Story

A key exhibition commemorating 50 years of E.U. integration in a proactive fashion. A whole programme in itself and something to refresh our memories a bit. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 03/09/07 > 31/12/07Il-pajjiżi kollha ta' l-UE
50 Sena Flimkien fid-Diversità

50 Sena Flimkien fid-Diversità

Il-European Schoolnet u l-Mużew ta' l-Ewropa jistieden timijiet ta' studenti mill-14 sa l-20 sena biex jipparteċipaw f'kompetizzjoni, esperjenza ta' xogħol f'tim u jesprimu ideat u ħsibijiet dwar il-50 sena li jmiss fl-UE, filwaqt li jħarsu lura lejn xi ksibna mill-1957! ››  iktar

WirjaWirja 18/08/07 > 16/03/08Brussels - Belgium
Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo Da Vinci

It will be the biggest exhibition ever organised on Da Vinci. This event is part of celebrations for the 50th Anniversary of the Treaty of Rome. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

Vidjows u ritratti
żgħażagħżgħażagħ 10/05/07 > 31/12/07Fl-iskejjel madwar l-Ewropa kollha - Il-pajjiżi kollha ta' l-UE
Ittraduċi u rbaħ!

Ittraduċi u rbaħ!

Tradutturi Żgħażagħ – konkors oriġinali sabiex niskopru l-aqwa tradutturi żgħażagħ ta' l-Unjoni Ewropea ››  iktar

oħrajnoħrajn 23/05/07 > 31/12/07Cities, towns and villages - Hungary
50 years of integration – 50 locations

50 years of integration – 50 locations

A series of civil forums will be organised in 50 different locations around Hungary that will bring together Community citizens to discuss economic and social development in the given region. ››  iktar English (en) magyar (hu)

FestivalFestival 01/03/07 > 31/12/07Center Evropa, Ljubljana - Slovenia
Faces of Europe

Faces of Europe

How much do you know about the other European Union countries? What would it be like living and working abroad? ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/03/07 > 29/02/08Czech Republic
EP Generation: the way towards Europe

EP Generation: the way towards Europe

A large project including seminars, an international conference, activities at the  European Parliament Summer School (EPSS) and a series of web publications. ››  iktar čeština (cs) English (en)

WirjaWirja 07/03/07 > 31/12/07Hungary
Celebrating the 50th birthday of the EU

Celebrating the 50th birthday of the EU

Art-school students have taken part in a “50th anniversary” poster competition. The prize-winning posters, which can be sent as e-cards any time this year, will be presented both at exhibitions and in a one-off publication. ››  iktar English (en) magyar (hu)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 19/03/07 > 31/12/07Across Slovenia - Slovenia
Let us discuss the European Union

Let us discuss the European Union

Students belonging to secondary school and university debate clubs will participate in a series of discussions taking place throughout Slovenia. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

WirjaWirja 22/03/07 > 26/12/07Warsaw - Poland
The Treaties of Rome as a Link in the Integration of Europe

The Treaties of Rome as a Link in the Integration of Europe

An exhibition of 39 posters which won prizes and awards in the national competition commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Treaties of Rome. ››  iktar English (en) polski (pl)

WirjaWirja 25/03/07 > 20/12/07European Parliament, Brussels - Belgium
50 years of the European Parliament

50 years of the European Parliament

The windows of the European Parliament will provide the backdrop for an exhibition relating the story of its first 50 years. Visitors will be able to admire photos, videos and images recalling the years from the creation of the common Assembly through to today’s latest events. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

WirjaWirja 25/03/07 > 31/12/07Assorted public libraries - Hungary
Mobile documentary exhibition on the EU

Mobile documentary exhibition on the EU

A mobile exhibitionis being organised and presented by the Network of EU Libraries in order to draw visitors’ attention to -- and provide a range of information about -- Europe. ››  iktar English (en) magyar (hu)

oħrajnoħrajn 25/03/07 > 31/03/08Bremerhaven - Germany
PLANKTON*NET celebrates 50 years of the Treaty of Rome

PLANKTON*NET celebrates 50 years of the Treaty of Rome

For this event, PLANKTON*NET members and contributors have established a special online collection of information on 50 plankton species. Each species was described in one of the past 50 years. Where possible, species described by European scientists were chosen to highlight the range of scientific and specifically taxonomic expertise in Europe. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) português (pt)

KonferenzaKonferenza 27/03/07 > 15/10/07Calabria - Italy
EU law in the training of judges

EU law in the training of judges

The main goal of this event is to raise awareness among the public and the legal profession on the issues of the European integration process and enhance knowledge of EU legal instruments. ››  iktar English (en) italiano (it)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 30/03/07 > 31/12/07Ljubljana - Slovenia
Launch of series of youth debates on the European Union

Launch of series of youth debates on the European Union

A big ceremony will mark the launch of organised debates through students’ debate clubs. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

KonferenzaKonferenza 19/01/08Edinburgh - United Kingdom
The Treaty of Rome, the European Parliament and the Regions and Substate Nations of the European Union

The Treaty of Rome, the European Parliament and the Regions and Substate Nations of the European Union

The conference aims to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome in the particular context of the role of the European Parliament and the question of democratic participation in a multi-level governance context for a substate region/nation such as Scotland. ››  iktar English (en)

ĊinemaĊinema 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Tallinn - Estonia
European Films at the European Information Centre

European Films at the European Information Centre

Throughout 2007, European films will be displayed in the European Information Centre of the Commission Representation and European Parliament Information Office in Tallinn. These film evenings will emphasise the cultural dimension of European Union. ››  iktar eesti keel (et) English (en)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Romania
A Europe of opportunities

A Europe of opportunities

Members of the European Information Multipliers Network will participate in a study-visit to the EU Institutions aimed at raising awareness among Romanian multipliers of the activities of EU Institutions. ››  iktar English (en) română (ro)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Romania
"Closer to Europe"

"Closer to Europe"

With the aim of initiating contacts with their fellow organisations in Germany and effectively exchanging good practices for activities related to the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome, some Romanian multipliers will take part in a ‘fact-finding mission’ to Germany. ››  iktar English (en) română (ro)

żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Latvia
Students' creative work competition on the internet “Zenta Mauriņa un mūsdienas”

Students' creative work competition on the internet “Zenta Mauriņa un mūsdienas”

The State Youth Initiative Centre and the Education Board of World Free Latvian Society will launch a competition aiming to raise  students ‘awareness and interest’ in Latvian and European values. ››  iktar English (en) latviešu valoda (lv)

WirjaWirja 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Brussels - Belgium
Mini-Europe and Spirit of Europe

Mini-Europe and Spirit of Europe

With their unbeatable level of accuracy, the scale models of Mini-Europe can be contemplated on a wholly European walk. In 2007, new gems will be added. Among them a scale model of the new Berlaymont building sponsored by the Representation in Belgium of the European Commission. In the Spirit of Europe area visitors get a chance to see how much they know about Europe. ››  iktar Deutsch (de) English (en) français (fr) Nederlands (nl)

oħrajnoħrajn 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Throughout Finland
A series of public debates throughout Finland

A series of public debates throughout Finland

Europe Information of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, together with the European Commission Representation in Finland, is organising a series of public debates to mark the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.  ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Upper secondary schools throughout Finland
Teacher's seminars

Teacher's seminars

Targeted seminars designed for teachers, head masters, school guidance counsellors and librarians are being organised throughout 2007. ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Throughout Finland
"Let's talk about Europe - Together"

"Let's talk about Europe - Together"

The local Europe Direct relays are organising a series of regional public debates on the EU. The events are aimed at the general public and are taking place in every Finnish province. ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

WirjaWirja 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Several Cities - Finland
"Guten Tag! Hier spricht Europa" poster exhibition

"Guten Tag! Hier spricht Europa" poster exhibition

Why is the European Union still necessary in the 21st century? An itinerant exhibition marking the 50th anniversary of the Rome Treaty will try to answer this question. ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

KonferenzaKonferenza 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Madrid - Spain
“European Gatherings” on 50 years of European integration

“European Gatherings” on 50 years of European integration

Several conferences regularly organized at the premises of this Representation titled “European Gatherings” would be dedicated to commemorate the anniversary. ››  iktar English (en) español (es)

WirjaWirja 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Riga and regions - Latvia
EU@50: a travelling exhibition

EU@50: a travelling exhibition

The Latvian EU Information Agency will organize an itinerant exhibition dedicated to the last 50 years of the European Union. The exhibition will be travelling to Riga and its regions. ››  iktar English (en) latviešu valoda (lv)

SportSport 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Slovenia
Europe in the air

Europe in the air

A parachute squad will be performing sky-diving figures on all major public events around Slovenia, using parachutes with EU symbols. ››  iktar English (en) slovenščina (sl)

Vidjows u ritratti
żgħażagħżgħażagħ 01/01/07 > 31/12/07Throughout Finland
Art competition for schools and publication of a book of art and essays

Art competition for schools and publication of a book of art and essays

Art competition for state school pupils on the theme "Together since 1957". ››  iktar English (en) suomi (fi) svenska (sv)

oħrajnoħrajn 02/01/07 > 21/12/07Across the country - Poland
Public lectures

Public lectures

Public lectures and discussions about Rome Treaties, their role in the European integration and the future of the European Union. ››  iktar English (en) polski (pl)

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